Green Leaf by Japas 有著自家的魚菜共生系統,以垂直的優質食材供應把菜園直接搬到澳門人的餐桌上,加上靈活運用廚餘等細節,在菜品中,客人除了感受到店長對食材品質近乎頑固的堅持,具不少想法的烹飪邏輯外,往往更感受到背後一份永續的意念。在本集的「小城之魅」中,我們將會為你解構餐廳如何致力於小城澳門裡營造一個綠色環境讓客人享用「可持續」的美食。 With an almost obsessive pursuit for quality and ethos towards sustainability, the owner Green Leaf by Japas employs an in-house hydroponics system, a vertically-integrated supply chain, and a rigorous cross-utilization and compost program. In this episode, we will show you how a Macau eatery manages to create an urban oasis where the ingredient can speak for itself and eating green can taste so good.
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