店長 Raymond 認為粵菜精粹除了在於不時不食,突顯食材原味之外;粵菜於中國人心中,還承載着一份分享、家庭共融的精神。所以餐廳供應着懷舊傳統的菜式,亦有新派的菜式。他更透露餐廳中有一道菜式,更令客人吃到老淚縱橫。。
The past, present and future of Cantonese Cuisine
Hailed for passing down the traditions of Cantonese cuisine through an easy-to-understand way to the millennials, and reinterpreting the time-honoured and nostalgic recipes — such as the Kale in Vaca Gorda Style and the Pork Crackling over Rice — whilst maintaining their original tastes, Matou Street Restaurant has gained droves of food lovers and loyal fans for a reason.
The joint’s owner, Raymond, believes that the essence of Cantonese cuisine is about seasonal ingredients and their original flavours. To the Chinese people, at the heart of Cantonese cuisine is also a spirit of sharing as well as family inclusiveness. That’s why this joint offers not only the traditional dishes but also the ones with a contemporary take. One particular item on the menu, according to Raymond, once made a diner’s face covered with tears…