The Forty Years of Ilha Verde & the neighbourhood’s Breakfast
根記小食始於青洲木屋(1980 年),由根叔夫婦二人創立,深受青洲街坊喜愛,更是眾多街坊每天必定報到的地方。 Originated from the wooden house area in Ilha Verde since 1980 by Uncle Kan and his wife, Kan Kei is a neighbourhood’s favourite, as many of them will visit the shop in daily basis.
根記小食對於兒子Tommy 和 Alex 來說,不單純只是一間小食店,更是一個地方去承載與青洲街坊共同長大那份情懷,從聖若瑟學生時代,買到帶上自己仔女光顧的客人,亦是多不勝數。除外,這也是一份寄託,是他們對父母的一份回憶和尊重。弟弟 Alex 感概說道:「現在才知道媽媽以前有幾辛苦。」。現在根記「招牌辣魚包」仍是沿用昔日的做法,做留以前的風味,同時亦不忘添加新元素,推出新品,最近更把店舖重新裝修,希望把根叔夫婦的心血傳承下去。
To Uncle Kan’s Sons Tommy & Alex, Kan Kei is not just an eatery but the a platform to carry the relationship between them and the neighbourhood in Ilha Verde. Including the loyal customers who visit the eatery from the time of being a primary school student to a family person with children. It’s also a way to memorise and respect their parents. “Now I understand how hard my mum was working for this eatery” said by Alex with a mixed feelings. Nowadays. Kan Kei has added some many new items on their menu beside their signature “lona das conservas Bun” and they renovated their store recently as well, to inherit the spirit of their parents.
預訂查詢:+853 2859 1059
營業時間:早上06:00 – 下午 18:30 (星期日休息)