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小城之魅 |第六集 |大利來記 ”Edible City” EP6 Tai Lei Loi Kei


要介紹澳門的「小城之魅」,又怎能不提豬扒包?而豬扒包在澳門的姓氏,就是四個字:「大利來記」。 然而,大利來記在賭權開放後,業務蒸蒸日上,卻漸漸跟澳門人愈走愈遠。


為了讓這份豬扒包的美味帶回澳門人味蕾中,MacauEat 和大利來記推出特別優惠! 凡在Instagram 追蹤 @MacauEat 或在 Facebook 讚好 MacauEat 澳門美食 專頁,即可以優惠價$28 在大利來記豬扒包 (氹仔旗艦店)享用原價$40的招牌豬扒包一份

The ins & outs of the Pork Chop Bun’s empire.

Pork chop buns is a signature of Macau. And Tai Lei Loi is synonymous with pork chop buns. However, as the gaming industry brought in more and more tourist business, Tai Lei Loi seems to have fallen out of favor with local clientele. After seeing how Tai Lei Loi's unwavering belief in using quality ingredients and the right techniques, do you think this 50-year-old local brand can compete with trends like bubble tea and Sichuan sauerkraut poached fish, and lead Macau back to the values of localvorism?

An exclusive offer From Macaueat and Tai Lei Lok Kei to bring back the true flavours of Pork Chop Bun to you! You can enjoy a signature “Pork Chop Bun” for special price ($28) instead of the (original price $40) in Tai Lai Loi Kei (Taipa location)


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